Really tired of almost getting run over by drivers every day in SF

Walking across Larkin at Broadway in the crosswalk a few minutes ago with my wife and a 3 year old in a stroller, two cars trying to beat the light peeled out of the Broadway tunnel to make a right onto Larkin. The first one is totally oblivious, but we’re only a couple steps from the curb so like somewhat understandable. Second one comes through in a jeep , sees us halfway across the street and accelerates, swinging out onto the left side of the street in order to avoid us (barely) while speeding up.

This is a near daily occurrence in the north side of the city, where there’s a high density of heedless drivers and people treat Broadway like a freeway. Running stop signs and reckless right turns is the norm.

It’s wild that some people are totally fine playing with a family’s life like that, especially after we’ve already had so many tragedies in SF this year. No one’s perfect, and we’ve all made mistakes walking, biking, or driving , but the stakes could not be higher when you are behind the wheel of a multi ton vehicle. And when you deliberately threaten a kid like that… wow, it’s hard for me to understand.

So two suggestions: (a) for those who actually care the lives of others, slow down when you drive and assume that you are going to have to take your time getting from A to B in the city. And (b) for those drivers who are beyond reasoning, we need to pressure our leaders and vote in people who modify the city’s infrastructure to make it safer for pedestrians and to make it physically impossible for people to endanger others with their cars. More protected crossings, bollards, traffic circles, automated enforcement, and pushing toward alternative forms of transportation. I don’t want to live in a place where might makes right on the streets and we all have to cower in fear because a few tools are driving like maniacs.