Why are sales people so bad at sales?
I'm essentially acting as a VAR to bring in a very much needed but has lots of competition SaaS product to a potentially very large account (tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of devices that need monitored).
And the AE at the SaaS just sent an email...
"Do you have any questions about our SaaS demo next week?"
Scale of 1-10 how worthless was this email? I'm giving it an 8.
Literally called it a SaaS demo. Bro do you not give a shit about your own product/service?
Guys, never refer to your product service or upcoming appointment as a "saas demo"
Edit- I'm not backtracking on this. If you think that phrasing should ever be used in an email to an enterprise client, resign now and go into a different field. You aren't going to be successful.