Why is Richmond pizza like this?
Another $20+ a pie pizza place is opening near me and I have to rant. I grew up in NJ and not proud of it, but they got pizza right. You walk in, the pies are already out and cut up, you pay like $3-$5 for 2 slices and a drink and you're out in less than 15 minutes. AND IT'S GOOD. Stop with all this artisanal nonsense. Where is the quick, cheap, and GOOD pizza?
EDIT: Thanks for the recs. Got some places to check out. Good points made about living wages. No shade to Richmond or specific businesses. I've lived here a long time and will never go back to NJ, not even for the pizza.
EDIT: Sorry for the NJ slander. I grew up next to a highway outside of Philly and did not have the best childhood. The shore and the pine barrens are very beautiful!