The Culmination of our Great Techno-Futurist Utopia is coming and it will be Good
A class revolution is coming. It is inevitable in the course of human history. People think capital consumed it. That Marx was wrong, but so little time has passed. In the course of human events change takes so much longer. Especially to overcome systems as insidious as profit incentives. Bartering did not disappear in a day. People moved over to currency over the course of centuries, millennia. The catalyst for class revolution will be when the machinations of capitalism fail, and it has not done so. It has succeeded in placating its every problem, but it is inherently unsustainable because the capitalization of resources will start to dim and we will need to enter a new world more focused on cultivation of what exists than conquering ephemeral forces we cannot name. I believe we are entering the first stages of this world.
We will have technological advancement in recycling all materials. Trash-powered cars, growth vats for people, limited birth rates, automation of all forms of labor, recreation of the world as it once was, nature will be reborn. We will live in Utopia cities of great wealth and desire, no need for teeming masses of people destroying the earth. Everyone will be free to live their bohemian lives'.The unceasing march of progress is ending soon. We must reach our apex soon or we will fall short of it. We have sacrificed too much to fail.
All the great thinkers will gather in the agora and debate philosophy while their beautiful genetically engineered Ethiopian-Serbian-Latina-Persian wife-accountants gather in the bureaucratic forum and count the daily bread and wine quotas from the underground factory that is powered by the heat from the lava veins. The city itself is peaceful, idyllic, a humble reminder of origins as creatures of nature than monuments to our arrogance. The only structure higher than a cottage is the temple in the middle of the city. It travels and flies according to the whims of the powers that be at this time, administering faith and community across the nation.