Rpg game than span over thousand of years.
I'm looking for rules and ideas for a game I'd like to do for a long time.
I'd like to play a middle-earth game starting around the fall of Armor and up to the war of the ring so roughly 1000 years.
I'll play 4-5 session per "adventure" and skip 100 years, 4-5 sessions an other 100 years. So roughly 10 adventures for the whole campaign.
If players play elf they can keep the same character for the whole campaign. If dwarf a few adventures, hobbits 1 or 2, etc.
What I'm wondering if is there games that have rulesets for building long lasting legacy like that. I want the actions of the first adventure to have repercussions maybe not on the 10th adventure but for like 1 or 2 that follows
Edit: I basically like to have ideas of downtime activities over 50 years...