Giving Writing a Serious Go - Three Weeks Running 2 Ads

I started writing as a hobby almost two decades ago, and I feel I have some idea what I'm doing as far as craft and storytelling goes. These are the first two ads I've run, though. I'm open to any thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc.

Here's the performance:


I'm given to understand that a good click through rate is somewhere between 2% and 3%. As you can see, my ads are ... below that metric.

Here are the ads:

Ad 1 Ad 2

Given the click through rate, I'd think these are horrible. On the other hand over the last three weeks, the following has happened:

  • My followers have increased by 255 (up to 1927). Had I not run ads, I would have anticipated a maximum of 90 new followers. That means that 165 followers (65%) are from the ads.

  • I've earned an additional $518.68 from my Patreon. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough data to accurately predict what that number might have been without ads, but if we assume it's a percentage of subscribers, I'd attribute $335.62 to the ads.

  • My rank and rating have actually increased slightly. From reading others experience, I was expecting a drop as people clicked on the ads.


I read somewhere that an ad with a high CTR gives good views but doesn't necessarily lead to followers and subscribers. Maybe by focusing on the story elements, these ads might eliminate some people who might clicked and not liked the actual content of the story?

I really have no idea what I'm doing. I'd love some input on what kind of ad I should run next. My plan is to take a break when these run out and try a new one sometime in January.

ETA: Here's the link to the story b/c from experience someone will ask for it :)

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