SNES FFVI Ted Woolsey Uncensored + PAL fix
Hey hey!
i'm relatively new to SNES rom hacking and i'm the proud owner of a PAL SNES (im an aussie).
I'm wanting to experience FFVI for the first time and i hear that the Woolsey patch is pretty much the definitive way to play on original hardware.
Problem is, as im sure many of you know, FFVI doesn't play nice on a PAL console. it give you black unnavigable item menus as well as a handful of visual glitches. i can put up with some small visual glitches, but the broken item menus makes the game unplayable.
I know that there is a PAL patch already available, but it seems to conflict with the Woolsey patch making the game boot into a black screen. does anyone know a way to get PAL functionality with the Woolsey patch? and if not, am i missing out on a great deal if i ditch Woolsey and just stick to the PAL patch?
Thanks in advance!