Brain dead teammates

Here’s a list of things that my brain dead teammates do in game. Keep in mind this is GM COMPETITIVE!

• Staggering (Dying, then spawn back and run out trying to 1v6 without the team and end up getting shredded, forcing us to team fight with less players.

• Using ultimates at absolutely terrible times and using them bad. Or not using them at all.

• Arguing with someone over something then throwing the game in a fit of rage

• position themselves in terrible spaces just to get lit up by everyone on the other team, then blaming healers.

• Not taking out turrets, nest, ankhs (bathing in ankhs like a toddler in an ant pile.)

• Not protecting support from divers (Panther, Magik, Spidey, Psylock) then blaming support for not healing

These are all things that I’ve seen done in GM Competitive matches. It’s the most brain dead shit I’ve ever seen and causes us to lose matches. Then people have the nerve to defend this dumb shit like it’s not a competitive environment. GO TO QUICK MATCH AND PRACTICE! Stop playing competitive matches just to sell your teammates and then blame everyone else as to why we lost. There’s only so much slack your team can make up for but if the enemy team is good they’re gonna exploit us having one or two low IQ players. Any time i see the enemy team stagger i take advantage and up the pressure knowing we can take out one or two idiots that walked out here alone before the rest of the team gets back. Just to clarify for the people on here who try and defend this terrible gameplay, I’m not saying I’m better than everyone, if you come to that conclusion from reading this I’m sorry but you’re slow.

There’s nothing wrong with playing in QM to learn how to play better before going into comp, that’s exactly what I did because I didn’t wana embarrass myself or sell my teammates. I do the same thing in ANY competitive game i play. I practice first. You people are intolerable.