The dreaded "too many reptiles" scenario that haunts your dreams - anyone else have this?
I can't be the only reptile owner who gets this dream once or twice a month. I own quite a lot of reptiles and it just seems like an inevitable recurring dream for others who own a lot of reptiles.
Picture this: you go to your enclosure and there are too many reptiles inside of it. Dozens of them - way too many for the enclosure to handle. They're all different species too. You start getting them out and trying to figure out where to put all these new reptiles.
You don't have enough places to put all of them and it feels like every time you look back into the original enclosure even more spring out of hiding places. You panic and start divvying them into tanks all the way down to tupperware and takeout containers. You run out of takeout containers and panic even more so now you're putting two or three of similar species into these little containers hoping they don't eat each other. It's a never ending cycle of just too many reptiles.
I really am hoping to know if this happens to other owners.
EDIT - The horrible neglect in the dream too-!! I completely forgot about that aspect until others mentioned it but that's definitely a common occurrence in the dream. The reptiles are almost always neglected or were forgotten about and it makes you feel like utter garbage.
I'm in awe at just how many people also have "too many reptiles" or "neglected reptile" nightmares. Other pets too according to others in the comments. We're all in this together, fellow pet owners. ✊