My (25f) fiancé (25m) doesn’t use his brain.
My fiancé and I have been together for 8 years. We recently got engaged this past January. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone, but there is something he does that is causing a strain on the relationship. He doesn’t use his own brain. By this I mean, he needs guidance through things as if he is a child. For instance, he cannot microwave his own food without asking me how long he should microwave it for. He can’t be sent to the grocery store with a list unless I send him pictures of the actual product. He doesn’t know how to properly clean anything unless I walk him through it, despite having shown him how to for the past eight years. He asks redundant questions. For instance, today I said “would you like to watch The Little Mermaid? It finally got uploaded to Disney+” and he says sure. I’ve been talking about going to see The Little Mermaid for a while but was never able to go see it in theaters. He knew how badly I wanted to see it. So he goes onto Disney+ and searches the movie. Obviously, the new live action one pops up as well as the animated one from the 90s. He asks “which one is it?”. I look at him and say “which one do you think it is?” He says “i don’t know.” I say “well let’s use our brain. One is animated and from 1998. The other is a live action and from this year. I’ve only been talking about wanting to watch one of these two for the past few months. As well as the fact that the entire rest of the world has only been talking about one of these as well. Using that information, which one do you think I could possibly be referring to?” To which he said that I treat him like a kid. I just feel like this man never uses his brain for anything. It would be ok if this was an occasional occurrence but things like this happen multiple times during every conversation I have with him. It’s exhausting. Is there anything I can do to get him to use his brain? Also, we’ve had multiple conversations about this and my feelings on it, and he never seems to be receptive or consider how exhausting it is to constantly have to think for someone else.
TLDR: my fiancé constantly needs me to think for him and I’m tired of it.
Edit: Clearing up some things because people are confused (see comment). Him working to support us financially does not mean that I do not contribute financially or that I am financially reliant on him. I said that because of the two of us, he is the one with a stable job, however, we both bring in income to the relationship and he obviously makes a lot more. If I were to leave him, yes, I would be able to support myself. As far as him being a “caretaker”, perhaps that was the wrong word to use. The extent of his “caretaking” duties are to take me to the doctor once a month, and driving me to the store on the weekends. I perform all my own duties beside those. I also perform all of the household duties (washing dishes, cooking, meal planning, cleaning, taking out the trash, etc.) except for washing his clothes. So this idea that he could be mentally exhausted from having to “take care of a disabled partner” seems to be reaching.
I also noticed that a lot of people are saying to leave. I should have cleared up that that’s not the advice I’m looking for. I understand that both of us have our issues in this situation and what I am looking for is advice on how we can have a conversation that addresses both sides so that the other is able to be receptive to it. The issue is obviously communication. My question is how can we communicate properly.
Update: My fiancé and I looked over the comments together. This was extremely beneficial because a majority of the communication issue was that he wasn’t able to put into words his views on things. The conversation was really constructive and I personally believe is going to help us in the future.
For example, later in the day he went to the store and I gave him a list. As recommended by a lot of you, I didn’t give him any pictures and told him that I believed in him and his ability to remember what brands/types of things we usually get. He also reassured me that he didn’t need any pictures because the list was fairly small and the items were things we buy MULTIPLE times a week so he knew what to get. He did good for the most part, but one of the items he got was wrong. I told him it was ok and showed him a picture of the brand we typically buy. He said he’s never seen that a day in his life (even though he eats them almost everyday). This started to make me mad because I felt like I was being lied to but I calmed myself down and just said “ok, well for future reference this is the one we always get”. The conversation ended and we went about our own business but I could tell he was really sad and disappointed in hisself. It’s not the best interaction but it’s a start. I am hopeful that things will get better.