Right or wrong, your father's generation and his father's generation and his father's generation would have shot that balloon right out of the sky.

Ask questions later. Fine Reddit. Strategic this, strategic that, don't want to risk damage to people or property. But they still would have done it. "But it's a new world, we're not military intelligence, we have no idea what our own people are up to with it!" Sure Reddit. Okay. Fine. But we still would have shot it down. Like, as a matter of principle alone. Sometimes you have to show the sawed off little provocateur on the playground that you still won't take any shit. What are they gonna do, shoot something down of ours over the South China Sea? Go ahead. Try it. See what happens. They're not ready for that smoke yet. Not with Taiwan on the horizon. "What if they filled it with germ warfare?" Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up. They didn't. This isn't a movie. They did a check on our hoe card and we said yeah we're pussies. Weak look honestly.

Also it's all probably just a psyop so I'll shut the fuck up now. I just don't like balloons. Never have never will. Clown shit.