Why are recruiters so incompetent??
I got on a call Yesterday with recruiter from NY and gave them my entire history and why I left each job as well as new job requirements. She was like lets set up a video for today so i can tell u about the roles we have that are of interest. I get on the call today and she asks the exact same questions that I already answered the day before. I answered them. She responds with "You don't qualify for the public accounting roles and if I come across any Corporate aaccounting roles, I will reach out". I went on their website and found at least 7 roles that I easily qualified for with 4 years of experience on my belt. Like WTAF was the point of that video call? It couldve been an email. I'm an Accountant II right now and she wanted to downgrade me to Bookkeeper in NYC for 80k even after I told her I aint taking less than 100k in NY. Like bro, I answered all your questions, you couldnt even do a little work for me and go on your OWN website to look at what you have?? Goddamn man. This isnt a first either. Its like they're looking to waste your time and get useless info. Anyways Rant over. Back to spam applying.