parent’s friend acted like shifting is a normal thing

i have this deep belief that more people shift/ know about shifting than we know of, despite the hate it gets online. i think that shifting has become somewhat of a joke in some spaces, but when you get off the internet, it's actually surprising how real people think it is.

so i while writing a bit of my recent shift in my journal, one of our family friends (who is my parent's age) sort of cornered me and asked what i was doing. i told them i was writing, and they asked if it was creative or more of like a journal entry. i don't know why i felt safe enough to tell this person, because i don't usually tell anyone about my dr.

now this isn't because i think it's crazy or strange, but because i simply don't feel like sharing that part of my life with anyone, even online. at this point, i don't really care how i'm perceived, because i know what happened and others can think whatever they want of it.

so all of that led me to just being honest with this person and telling them that i've spent about 2 years in another reality, over the course of a year here. at this point, i would expect them to ask how you shift, what the theory of shifting even is and how it can be possible. or the skepticism, à la "that's just lucid dreaming."

but what shocked me is that this person just kind of nodded as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and said something along the lines of, "oh yeah, you do that too?"

by this point i think i scared them a bit because my jaw was on the ground, but i asked if they've shifted before and how they knew about it. they said they haven't experienced it themselves, but have heard stories of it happening unintentionally. they thought it was really cool that it can be done with a specific focus on a dr, and i got the impression that's the only "new" thing that shifttok and online spaces introduced.

interestingly, they also didn't know there were specific methods to use to shift, and thought it was a completely random thing. they also thought that it didn't need to happen while asleep. we were both in agreement that it's a real reality, with time passing normally, sensory vividness, and "consequences" unlike in a dream.

anyway, i just loved that interaction and i encourage everyone to first read the situation to know if it's safe and then prod a bit about shifting. not everyone thinks it's crazy, and some people are very open to the idea. (edit: also i'm 22 so if you're younger it might go differently.)


me: i shift to a different reality

my parent's friend: oh yeah that happens

me: :O