Kyle’s text was inappropriate, though. Right?

I am kind of baffled by Kyle’s confidence in her text to PK.

Personally, I think keeping in touch with a friend’s spouse during a contentious separation is not a great look, but I know these things are complicated and maybe you don’t really think they’ll get divorced or you’ll still have to be around them due to social/business circle.

However, that text, to me, came off as much more than simply not trying to completely cut someone off just because of a separation. It seemed like she was the one reaching out to him to continue the relationship, offering to be a shoulder for him, and CONTINUE to share secrets. That seemed over the line to me, especially since she’s just come off of saying her and Dorit aren’t “that close”. If you’re not “that close” to your “friend” and costar, how are you close enough to her husband to feel the need to be there for him (seemingly over her).

But Kyle reads it with so much confidence that it proves her innocence (for lack of a better word) and that Dorit is overreacting that I wondered about other people’s take. A sanity check if you will.
