Razor Basilisk V3, mouse wheel stops quickly in free spin mode.

I've had the Razor Basilisk V3 for a while now and was using the smart reel feature, however recently I noticed that even when switching to the none tactile free spinning mode the wheel stops almost as quickly as in tactile mode and there still is a significant amount of drag. I assume this is caused by dirt (mostly hairs from my cats) that have gotten into the wheel (tilting the wheel I can kind of look inside of it and there there's a lot of hair inside).
I don't know I can get get the dirt out of the wheel tough. Is there some way to clean the inside of the mouse wheel so it spins freely again or am I stuck with a mouse wheel with a free spin mode that doesn't work.
This is not a deal breaking issue as the rest of the mouse works fine and tactile mode also works fine the mouse wheel just stops to quickly when it's supposed to be free spinning.