I apparently accused my mom of putting drugs in my food

My mother made lunch today so I ate some. Halfway through the meal, my lips and tongue started tingling and then went numb. I've eaten this food before and never had this problem.

I told her that my mouth was numb. I asked her if she put a new seasoning on the food, and said that maybe I was slightly allergic to it. I was polite about it, calm, slightly curious, not accusatory at all.

Her response was, "Do you realize how offensive you're being? Are you saying I put drugs in your food? You think I put heroin in your food? In only your food and no one else's?" Followed by some shouting and fake crying, before leaving the room.

I genuinely wasn't saying any of that. Hello? Drugs? Heroin? Are you kidding me? I thought maybe I had a food allergy.

I just shouldn't have said anything I guess.

EDIT: I posted a short update in the comments. I feel fine right now. I'm feeling no effects of any possible substance. I explained a bit more in my comment but I'm coming to the conclusion that she just wanted to make me look crazy. It worked, because everyone else in this house is already saying it's my fault for bringing it up, and that I want to feel "special" for "having an allergy." So I'd rather let this blow over than do anything more right now. Right now, all I'm worried about is the name calling and toxicity that's going to come from me just, I don't know, questioning out loud why I can't feel the inside of my mouth while eating. I'm making my own food from now on. Thank you to everyone who expressed their concerns.