Signs You Were Raised by a Narc
Can we try to crowdsource a comprehensive list of personality traits that children of narcissists display? Here's what I propose:
- Leave a comment with a single personality trait or characteristic (i.e. Children of narcs are usually people pleasers). You can describe the trait in some detail if you want, but just one personality trait per comment.
- Upvote the comments that apply to you.
Feel free to add more than one comment, of course. Just one trait per comment. We'll end up with a ranked list that we can all use to evaluate the impact that being RBN has had on us, collectively.
I'm not a researcher or anything, just a person who has benefitted a lot from this sub. I'm suggesting this because so much of the literature out there is about narcs, but I think there are very common traits shared amongst those of us who were RBN, and it would be interesting to see what the community as a whole comes up with.