r/radiohead Tribute Album - Official song-calling thread!

Song calling thread has been locked in! You can no longer call a song.


Hi there!

This is the song-calling thread for the r/radiohead Tribute Album 2020.



  • Covers allowed: Radiohead, Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, EOB, Atoms for Peace.
  • Post one comment with the song you want to cover. (Note: do not post multiple comments! Only if you’re doing a collaboration; further details below.)
  • When your song/comment is approved, I’ll write down your username + song in this post.
  • Want to do a collaboration? Post a separate comment with the song you want to cover and the name(s) of the collaborator(s). Two examples: “Burn the Witch - ft. u/politikamusic” or “Idioteque - ft. The Flans in the Face (band)”. You can do as many collaborations as you want, granted they're different collabs.

Side notes:

  • If a song is taken, you may record a cover anyways and either ask me if the original song-caller falls through, or just submit it with clear indication that you are ‘backup’ and if I receive nothing from the other person, yours will be put on the album.
  • I encourage everyone to participate and practice your musical skills, your recording/mixing skills, your ability to follow through on a project, etc! We’re gonna end up with some pro covers, and some not-so-pro covers, just be sure to put emotion into every single one! Let’s do this!

Album art:

  • Want to make art for the tribute album (such as the album cover)? Leave a comment in this thread :D

When you're cover/art is finished:

  • Submit your song (/art) to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) in either .wav, .aif or .flac audio format (or whatever lossless format) by direct email or use www.wetransfer.com to send securely if your email service doesn’t allow large enough file transfers. Please state your Reddit username(s), and artist/band name if you'd like to be credited along with the song file. For example: "Airbag - /u/madeupname (Artist/Band Name)"
  • Deadline for submission is SATURDAY AUGUST 1ST at 23:59 PM GMT+1 (NO TIME ZONE; 23:59 FOR EVERYONE) for release on SATURDAY AUGUST 8TH.
  • The album will be lightly mastered for sound and volume level and released at https://radioheadreddit.bandcamp.com/. All proceeds will be going to Amnesty International. The band members are known to support this charity.

Album art:

u/Waved_ , u/Mootsy101 , u/michealfuckingscarn , u/samyzzt , u/tikhaya_meh , u/edispU6197 , u/Aktby , u/Everyone_is_watching

Songs called:

u/MrChopinn - Climbing up the Walls (ft. u/glass-eyes)

u/iscreamuscreamweall - The National Anthem

u/Corvo_Joe - Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (ft. Café Europa)

u/politikamusic - All I Need

u/Dystopyan - Treefingers

u/Graeme171 - Desert Island Disk

u/murichin - In Limbo

u/weerman44 - Daily Battles

u/Waved_ - True Love Waits

u/Waved_ - Feral (ft. u/SirAbsol)

u/ajd5324 - Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box

u/blueberrman - Fake Plastic Trees

u/ponylauncher - Reckoner (2001 version)

u/iamantsyy - Up On The Ladder

u/Brainles5 - Nose Grows Some

u/hinurs - Jigsaw Falling Into Place (ft. u/michael0327)

u/ThornYorke - Blow Out

u/lab005 - The Bends (ft. Portsdown)

u/lab005 - A Wolf At The Door (ft. Siwoo Kim)

u/lab005 - Glass Eyes

u/jimbobberino - High And Dry

u/IanDuncanSmithIsA - Videotape

u/GavinRhinehart - The Trickster

u/kotofenum - Pyramid Song

u/bjarxy - No Surprises

u/michael0327 - Street Spirit (Fade Out)

u/HJP881 - Little by Little

u/JoofProobst - Codex

u/frozen__leaves - Karma Police

u/kaaisegall - Sail to the Moon

u/deaf_lizard - Last Flowers

u/BurtMacklin456 - Thinking About You

u/thecrimsonbaron - Exit Music (For a Film)

u/SamuelKinsella - Cuttooth The Clock

u/Astral_Cars - Open The Floodgates

u/-2W- - Idioteque

u/OddMan155 - How to Disappear Completely

u/jtk340 - My Iron Lung

u/I_HEART_BUTT_STUFF - 4 Minute Warning

u/GreedoInASpeedo - I Am A Wicked Child

u/Voodoo_Joe - Default

u/Plasmatix - Suspirium

u/MacianArt - Knives Out

u/bananasareyummy - Like Spinning Plates

u/JimJamMcFlimFlam - Gaggin' Order

u/mehphistopheles - Nude (ft. u/weerman44)

u/tatejorge - Go To Sleep

u/Zeta2Reticuli - Motion Picture Soundtrack

u/Mootsy101 - Come to your Senses

u/edthetek - Myxomatosis

u/Waved_ - Kinetic (ft. Seth Beniot)

u/CallOfOniichan - Give Up The Ghost

u/gustav1414 - Life in a Glass House

u/aryamanj7 - Present Tense

u/quin_minus_q - Creep

u/SomeWeirdHat - Guess Again (ft. u/teradex124)

u/guidogrom - Molasses

u/chur_bum - Fitter Happier

u/SomeWeirdHat - Has Ended

u/RAG319 - Optimistic (ft. cousin :D)

u/dgpmusic - Lucky You

u/jogramma40 - Man of War

u/GudBaadGuy - Everything in its Right Place

u/michealfuckingscarn - Subterranean Homesick Alien

u/teradex124 - Cymbal Rush

u/zyygh - Bloom

u/bloodbeech - How I Made My Millions

u/dot_matrix_game - Separator

u/samyzzt - Daydreaming

u/yedisp - Impossible Knots

u/fiddy99 - Faust Arp

u/ObamaBaconChapstick - Morning Bell

u/Zekusu - Airbag

u/Treehouses_of_Horror - House of Cards (ft. u/riskybiscuitz99)

u/Treehouses_of_Horror - Let Down

u/deepfryer2553 - Dawn Chorus

u/thenewguy461 - 2+2=5

u/Java92851 - You And Whose Army?

u/SanguchitodeQueso - Go Slowly

u/ObamaBaconChapstick - Planet Telex (ft. Casu Marzu)

u/samh_88 - Backdrifts

u/ripcord_no - How Can You Be Sure?

u/TacoPenisMan - Kid A

u/hinurs - Lotus Flower

u/ManInCloak - Plasticine Figures

u/meetingpplisezy - Worrywort

u/redlollyyellowlorry - Talk Show Host

u/ArloCruz - Identikit

u/julianwarsaw - Moon Trills

u/AliceFlynn - The Tourist

u/itsamattinthewild - Just

u/CarbonaraNotGlue - Banana Co

u/foxyvoxy - Black Star

u/PsychicHorse - There There

u/SharingIsCommunist - Decks Dark

u/OriginalGlasstype - Tinker Tailor

u/MattFA2 - Bodysnatchers

u/ThiccCamchen - The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy

u/rorza_forza - Anyone Can Play Guitar

u/Bluemookie - Paranoid Android (ft. band name?)

u/Bluemookie - The Daily Mail (ft. ?)

u/rlbmzk - I Might Be Wrong

u/HaydenMcNulty - I Will

u/gerladsadvilproblem - You

u/I_Am_A_Bowling_Golem - Morning Mr. Magpie

u/muh_no_ripcord_still - A Brain in a Bottle

u/Invictustheman - Down Is The New Up

Song calling thread has been locked in! You can no longer call a song. 'Down is the new up' is the last song called. Good luck with your covers!

(NO DEADLINE FOR CALLING ART) (the deadline for submitting art stays the same: August 1st)

Check this spreadsheet for available songs! (Thanks u/yedisp!)