Finishing a quilt...or not
I started making a puff quilt three years ago. It's huge and beautiful and rainbow, and it's been stalled at the basting to quilting stage for 2.5 years. I look at it, think about wrangling it to finish it, and then shove it back in the drawer it lives in. I don't know what I'd do with it once/if it's finished. Part of me just....doesn't want to finish it. I like it, don't get me wrong, and I put a lot of time into it, but also it's just so much. But at the same time, I'd feel bad wasting all that fabric and time if I gave up. Has anyone been in this sort of position with a quilt? What did you end up doing? If it was just a quilt top, I'd keep it in the drawer forever, but it's so big that it feels a little ridiculous to keep stalling.