Quantum theory
Hi all my first post. I know what I am about to say is going to make me look crazy but I can say it is the truth and not the ravings of a mad man (honest)
I am a dyslexic landscape Architect and Industrial designer. So I am not as clever as you guys. I have always had an issue with Darwin's theory of evolution from a design progression perspective
In 2004 I was at home late at night. I had not smoked marijuana for many years but a friend gave me some as a favour. I had a smoke and was watching tv. The though about Darwin's theory of evolution came to mind and I was creatively exploring the concept. I had some sort of breakthrough. The breakthrough was astounding, I got very exited about a concept that explained everything, evolution, the nature of the universe and everything else. I remember the idea was so simple It was more simple than 1+1=2 It was more like 1=1. Anyway I started testing the my theory against many aspects of the universe. I was so exited as it seemed I had unravelled the secret of the universe. I found a pen and paper to write down my idea I started to test my idea against many ideas and scenario. The idea worked and was extremely elegant and beautiful. I started writing but I could not finish a sentence, as another thought came into my head and I could not complete a sentence. I thought this is no good this will be Disjointed when I wake up tomorrow. I must forget testing the theory ant make the principal as elegant as the idea itself. I wrote it down and went to bed exited. I awoke in the morning went to the down turned page and on it was a few starts of a sentence two or 3 words on average. But in big writing was three underlined words was written "CYCLIC RESONANT THEORY" and it now meant nothing to me any more. It seemed like the concept was taken from me in my sleep. I know many may be sceptical and I do not blame you, especially that this idea came to me during a small dose of marijuana. I told a few close friends. I have been interested in quantum mechanics of late, just popular stuff on Youtube etc. And the words "Cyclic" "Resonant" and "Frequency" are words use in quantum theory but not used together. I thought rather that keep it to myself I would post it on some smart peoples forums to see it it resonates (unintended pun) with anyone.
Thanks for reading and I hope I do not seem crazy.