Does anyone freak out about the possibility of not having a car and being trapped as a result

One of my biggest fears is not having a car or a way to escape so whenever something happens to my car I freak the fuck out. To top this off I am waiting for SSDI to kick in so I have no money to fix my car which makes me feel even more terrified about the possibly of losing it and being unable to escape. One of my major traumas comes from being forced to give up my car for a treatment program that abused the shit out of me and ultimately led to me being thrown out on the streets and forced back into an abusive situation 3000 miles away from my community without way to leave. When I did leave (I moved out of the country) I was forced back to that living situation because of COVID. I got out, but I live in fear of having to go back and being trapped again because if it were not for my boyfriend. Also the treatment program was suppposed to help me because I had to leave another unsafe living situation and didn’t have a job and was essentially homeless, but did not qualify for DV services.