Does your PTSD cause cognitive impairment/dysfunction?
I’m 30F, experienced a wild number of traumas during my childhood but the worst and most prominent one was when I was 16.
I didn’t go to therapy until I was 26, went for 10 months, did EMDR and it helped take the edge off. I thought I was fixed.
That was until I started fucking up at work. Doing things I SWEAR I didn’t do, or not doing things I swear I did do, but was proven otherwise by my boss. Scared of my own head, I sought out ADHD testing, seeing as I matched almost every trending symptom of this disorder.
Not only did I not get diagnosed with ADHD, but my tests had so many “validity” issues that the psychologist diagnosed me with severe PTSD and persistent depression, and recommended that I find a PhD or a PsyD that can potentially diagnose and treat a personality disorder. She said the PTSD is causing cognitive impairments.
I thought I was fixed. And now I feel 100000x worse than I did before my first attempt at therapy. I feel as though there’s no solution. I’ve recently started a new job, working for myself since that’s better then continually disappointing and fucking things up for others, and I am still screwing things up for my own self. Consistently making really dumb mistakes but not finding out until later.
Also, can’t find a damn PhD to save my life. So. Not sure where to go from here. Anyone else have this problem?