Elden Ring PS4 Armour/Character Mods

TLDR: Simply wanted to share some PC mods that was being tested on the PS4 for Elden Ring. Variety is also enjoyed on the consoles. Figured out how to make some of the mods work properly.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 06/11/24: I was able to successfully prevent crashes when equipping modded armour and weapons. How? Through proper porting of PC to PS4 textures.

Old Info: Hello all. Using a texture mod from PC to the PS4 Elden Ring: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1855 - Chun-Li by az3163693 . The issue is the game crashes after you create the character and it also will crash if you load the game. However, when the game is continued instead, it loaded with zero crashes. Afterwards, when saving and exiting to title - the game will once again crash. Is there a known fix for this?

Update 11/10/22 - Also tested this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1302 - Bosses And Npcs And Custom Npcs Spirit Summons Mod by Joerifox . Curiously enough, on patch 1.05, it is overall a nice addition to the game on PS4.

On patch 1.09 and 1.10, does not localize properly and/or will receive a corrupted save data error rendering the game unplayable.

Update 11/1/22 - PS4 Elden Ring doesn't like non-converted PC textures? (Those ending up being in the parts folder). This caused the crashes with Ranni, Fia, Sorceress Sellen.

Update 11/23/22 - So the summon crashes were the cause of hr_a_0109; a hairstyle used by Fia. All works primarily now minus a few modded weapons.

Update 1/14/23 - Was able to successfully summon all characters in the mod and even add additional summons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Elden Ring 1.05

Mod - Bosses And Npcs And Custom Npcs Spirit Summons Mod

What works?

Primarily everything:

Out of 188 Summons:

Crashes -

Berserker Guts crashes upon use.

Fia, The Deathbed Companion crashes upon use. Due to PC texture?

Fia, Hyetta, Melina, Roderika, Asia Sisters crashes upon use. (Because of Fia). Due to PC texture?

Liurnia Squadron appears briefly then crashes upon use. (Because of Sellen). Due to PC texture?

Melina and Sorceress Sellen crashes upon use. (Because of Sellen). Due to PC texture?

Melina, Sorceress Sellen, and Millicent crash upon use. (Because of Sellen). Due to PC texture?

Mitress Ranni and Her Shadow crashes upon use. (Because of Ranni). - Due to PC texture?

Mohg's Minion crashes upon use.

Morgott's Minion crashes upon use.

Ranni The Witch crashes upon use. Due to PC texture?

Ranni, Therolina, Melina, Rodrika, Asia Sisters crashes upon use. (Because of Ranni). Due to PC texture?

Sorceress Sellen crashes upon use. Due to PC texture?

Thusly, 6.3 to 6.4 percent of the summons will crash the game.

176 out of 188 summons are working properly. Problem children are Mohg's, and Morgott's Minions.


Does nothing -

Blackguard literally just stands there and does nothing.


Test dummies -

Godrick soldier test dummy just stands there. You can use it for target practice.

Test dummy Malenia, Goddess of Rot just stands there and does nothing. You can use her for target practice.


Other notes -

Edgar The Revenger has some pretty awesome movesets.

Father and Daughter; strong :).

Great Wyrm Theodorix make take more than one summon to appear and fight for you. Or he simply takes his time to appear and fight for you.

Knight Diallos can get one hit killed by any enemy but does not crash.

Nomad Trader Kale is more defensive in nature. He likes to sit back and let you do the dirty work if possible. Will fight if an enemy gets too close.

Sage Gowry's physical attacks do no damage. His magic attacks, however, do damage.

Yura, Hunter of The Bloody Fingers does no damage at all. A distraction at best.


If summoning these certain characters crash the game, then entering any area where these characters are will crash the game (except Ranni for some reason).

Roundtable Hold will crash because of Fia?

Sorceress Sellen might crash. Haven't gotten to her in-game yet.


Weapon notes -

Cursed Greatsword of Artorias works until you unequip or try to replace with another weapon: crashes. Thusly, you are cursed to keep it equipped once using it.

Custom weapons primarily will crash when unequipping with shield in hand.

Godslayers Greatsword works fine overall sometimes. Unequipping may cause a crash.

Golden Order Greatsword works normally with zero crashes.

Greatsword of Artorias causes crash when equipped.

Maliketh's Black Blade works fine overall sometimes. Unequipping may cause a crash.


Armour notes -

Will crash upon using a body model swap. The other model parts such as arm, leg, and head seem to work fine.

Wolfs Knight Armor Set can be fully equipped. However, when unequipping the Torso body armor, the game will crash.