Thoughts on faction balance with Lost Fleet?
How have some of the weaker factions (Bal'Taks, Lantids, etc) fared with the Lost Fleet? I know some of the factions got buffs with their little side tiles, and of course the two new planet types, new scoring tiles, and additions of the lost ships go a long way to rebalncing some of the viable options for the game as a whole, but in terms of specific factions how do they fare? Any huge leaps/drops?
The Lantids specifically have an entire extra tile to help rebalance them, as the pretty widely accepted worst faction in base, does it do enough?
I played my first game of Lost Fleet last night with Bescods and did quite well, despite really struggling with them in base (might just be my playstyle). Getting that 2 extra starting Knowledge was huge for me, although of course the setup plays a huge part in it as well.