Questions from a new puppy owner!

Hi everyone,

We rescued Frankie at 12 weeks, he’s 16 weeks now and is amazing! As a first time puppy owner (and presa owner, had rescue American bulldog and Rhodesian ridgeback before), I’ve got a few questions!

  1. Are idiopathic head tremors common in the breed?
  2. We have nylabones and chew toys galore but Frankie just loves chewing on the wooden table and rug - he seems to really likes things he can tear and where bits come off. Are there any toys/treats that would mimic this for a 4 month plus pup? Or would it be bad to get him something to simulate that action as then he may think we’re encouraging it on things he’s not allowed to chew?
  3. Are bully sticks/yak chews suitable for his age? He still has puppy teeth but as a giant breed I don’t know if these would be suitable for him?

Thank you!