Fair interview questions?
Hello all! I know this will sound tone deaf and ignorant and I apologize before hand but I am genuinely curious, do you think some of the following questions are fair game in an interview? If so, I am realizing that I may not be as prepared as I thought I was and have a lot of work to do…
Give me your analysis and opinion on the democratic and republican viewpoints on healthcare reform.
How should we modify the SGR going forward?
What is not working with the health care system of the United States? (then follow up question) What do you think is not working with Canada’s (or other countries’)
Who would negatively benefit from socialized medicine?
Why do you think HIV/AIDS is so prevalent in Africa?
Which presidential candidate’s health policy do you support?
How is the Canadian system different from the US? What are the main problems of the US system? What would you do to change it? Why is that a solution? Is cost the only factor?
Let’s say the US is switched to a Universal Health Care system like Oregon state, where everyone got basic health care, but certain procedures were not covered. For example, a 40 year old man, regardless of situation/health, will be refused a kidney transplant. Is this fair?
How does the Japanese healthcare system differ from the US healthcare system?
How do we fix the problem of 43 million people being uninsured?
You are on the President’s health advisory team. What two things would you urge him to do/consider?
Again, I want to apologize if I’m coming across as ignorant, it is not my intention at all…