Anyone else have dreams about their baby?
I've had a few but its always super quick and I never see his face. This time though I had a dream that I gave birth prematurely. Everything was okay with baby but I remember in my dream I mentioned to my husband that he had a little bit of jaundice. We were still in the hospital and I was holding him on my chest while he was just lookin around at the world around us.
But I finally saw his face this time. Do I think it's what he'll really look like? No😂 he just looked like a newborn baby in my dream. No distinguishing features or anything. I thought he was so cute.
Waking up made me a bit sad though because in my dream I was so happy to finally be holding him and seeing his face, and then reality hit that I'm only 26 1/2 weeks🥲 He is not done baking yet.
These pregnancy dreams have been crazy.