What did preeclampsia feel like if you've had it?
I have an appointment Monday but I'm 30 weeks and experiencing some symptoms of preeclampsia, albeit less severe than I'm reading them be described, but nonetheless I am very nervous I have it. I am hoping not severely given I'm only 30 weeks and the symptoms don't seem to be severe. But I do have a high pain tolerance so I wonder if I'm just not realizing the severity?
My symptoms:
- I've had a bad headache that doesn't feel like my usual headaches (more helmet with sharp pains in my temples beside my eyes, whereas I typically feel them in the center of my forehead and behind my eyes) from roughly 4pm-12am for the last few days
- Mild nausea and indigestion after eating which I wouldn't have thought anything of until I read it's a symptom and it wasn't common before this week, at least since the 1st trimester
- My visions been blurry at times whether or not I have the headache
- my OB mentioned my blood pressure was trending up over the last 4 appointments, not concerningly high as of that appointment 2 weeks ago, but I typically have low blood pressure, even during my last pregnancy, so it seemed off to me.
- I've been having random pain in my right shoulder I also didn't think was related but I read it can be related to HELLP syndrome so now I really hope it's nothing. I would describe it as a mild pain, just a bit sharp at times like when I lay on it weird. It does feel worse in my shoulder blade area but I get an ache in the front part of my shoulder.
- However, no notable swelling
I'm assuming I'm overthinking it, but I can't really tell if how I'm feeling actually fits or if I'm just anxious so if anyone can describe what these symptoms felt like for them and they did have preeclampsia, that would help me manage my anxiety. I will be talking to my OB on Monday either way and having them test my urine for proteins, but I suspect if I do have it my life will change a lot and I just feel like I need to start processing it if it's quacking like a duck y'know?