My mom is making my pregnancy about her

My mom constantly loves having all the attention on her and since I (F28) have announced my pregnancy, she is constantly trying to make it about her.

For example, I only really got mild nauseas during this pregnancy, luckily no vomittting or any other symptoms really and she is constantly telling people that she can’t stop throwing up and feeling nauseas and is hormonal, that she thinks she (F60) IS pregnant. That my announcement made her depressed, she had to stop “working out” because the announcement was too much.

Now she is telling people that she feels soooooo sick (nauseas, vomiting, etc) because she is taking away those symptoms from me. She also has a savior complex. So essentially, I didn’t get sick with this pregnancy (my first) because she is feeling all of those severe symptoms for me. “They might as well throw me a baby shower”.

She says very strange things, like she wants me to thank her for feeling this way and it just really weirds me out and my husband and well. People will congratulate us and she’ll instantly jump in with “What about me, i’m pregnant too”😬 She’s even beginning to say she’s going to feel all my labor pains to save me from it…. She will not be in there, i can assure that.

Makes me not want to tell her anything, we did not grow up close whatsoever, so her comments are off putting.

Am I Overreacting?

edit: I am also the only daughter, and I am adopted. My adoptive brothers/ her biological sons are exempt from her strange narcissistic behavior.

She REALLY wanted the baby to be a girl, I can only imagine why. It is a boy ☺️💙