going to sound dramatic and like a baby but quitting vaping is so HARD

vaping was my only vice left that I really had. I don't drink, I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, I don't smoke weed. I've been addicted to nicotine the last 15 years and I found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks ago. Kept trying to wean down on the vape but it wasn't working so I've been full cold turkey this weekend. Just about to hit 48 hours clean and it fucking sucks. I've been trying to sleep this off and when I'm not sleeping I'm crying. I'm 6 weeks pregnant so figured might as well get rid of the habit before it's too late. I know everyone says it's the worst but this really really sucks. did anyone do anything that helped? I have to go back to work tomorrow and im really not looking forward to it all all while I'm this twitchy and irritable since I work customer service ahhhhh