Diagnosis Preeclampsia without consistent high blood pressure
I was diagnosed with preeclampsia today…
However, my blood pressure seems okay not very high it’s usually around 130/85…
And I had one reading high like 158/90 in the office but after 2 minutes rest it went back down to 127/80 in the office…
And doctor tested my urine, they found large amount of protein..
They also tested my kidney and liver function and other blood tests… Everything is normal for now.
Doctor said I have proteinuria. And based on the hospital’s criteria I have preeclampsia so they need to induce me at 37 weeks.
Besides proteinuria, I have no headache, no abdominal pain, no blurry vision, etc.
I am wondering is this an atypical preeclampsia?
Any experience on this?
I am scared of having preeclampsia…