Squat Form

Hey guys I was just wondering if someone could check out my squat form and let me know if it’s ok I want to do low bar which this is my attempt at that Im able to hit 330 pounds as a 1 rm with this form but I just feel somethings off like I’ve had someone say for a low bar the bar path is to far behind my mid foot I need to lean forward more Or are my feet even wide enough here and bar low enough for low bar

Hey guys I was just wondering if someone could check out my squat form and let me know if it’s ok I want to do low bar which this is my attempt at that Im able to hit 330 pounds as a 1 rm with this form but I just feel somethings off like I’ve had someone say for a low bar the bar path is to far behind my mid foot I need to lean forward more Or are my feet even wide enough here and bar low enough for low bar