Joining Law Enforcement

I am currently a freshman at a community college and I am a women’s college basketball player at the #1 JUCO in California. Next year after receiving my AA, instead of transferring to a 4-year I intend on enlisting in the Air National Guard which is a part time military position.

After I come back from basic training and AIT I will be 20 years old and would like to explore the option of joining a cadet program before applying to the police academy at the age of 21.

Will being a national guard member in the military increase my chances of getting hired by the sheriff’s department?

I am also worried about a few things. I’m currently 18, and when I was 16 I drove my significant other at the time to the store so she could shop lift. She ended up getting probation and in trouble, but I faced no consequences because I didn’t steal anything, she did. When I was 16, she asked me to steal from my employer and I stole from the cash register $40 for her. I know I was completely stupid for this. I’ve also been drunk once, and smoked weed a few times when I was 16 but haven’t since then. I’ve had one ticket for speeding in 3 years of having my license, and that’s it. I’m also a victim of fraud and had to get an attorney last year to get my money back.

Would these situations cause me to not get hired by the department? I’m overall a very good person now and have completely learned from my mistakes. I volunteer as a local basketball coach and go to church.

Let me know what you guys think!! Jami