I'm quitting tipping forever

Last night I was playing the usual 1/3 but it plays huuuuge like a 5/10 I assure you.

So anyway I wake up from my slumber with AA. Raise big pre and barrel off on K37AT, $150 on the river and this guy jams into me for $300.

Naturally I tank and go through the thought process - "does he have QJ"..."Does he not have QJ". Try to get a soulread but he has embedded his face in his hoodie and is pulling a Tom Dwan stare so I can't. Eventually I decide to call and he shows KT like an absolute chimp. Man I crush these games.

Anyway I am feeling quite generous now so I tip $2 instead of my usual $1 and the dealer says "Thank you", but quite unenthusiastically and I could tell he didn't really mean it. I asked him why he reacted as though it was a $1 tip and he ignored me and kept shuffling even though I said it very loudly and I know he heard me.

I've never been so disrespected in my life, and I have resolved myself to never tip again.

It's just the tip I'm withdrawing and so dealer gets paid the wage still anyway so I don't feel bad.