Worth the elbow

Originally posted on the other sub about this (Costco LA incident), but I’m temporarily banned there. But I’m posting this here assuming most there might sub/frequent here too.

Since people were so supportive, wanted to give a quick update, my son got his beat-up blooming waters box this weekend, opened it and had a blast! Other than a full art Dragonair (which is a beauty) no noteworthy pulls, but not what’s important. At his age, what he likes most are cute art, of pokemon that he recognizes from the anime, with shiny cards and big damage numbers - so his favorites are the EX promos and a couple of Gyarados Holos. And he’s been carrying his cards around the house (I guess I need to get him a binder now 😅)

All the messages with the well wishes and offers to send my kid stuff are super appreciated! As I told everyone, no need to send anything! I’ll pick up a box of something and tell my kid it’s from the folks on Reddit when I give it to him and show him some of the messages from you all.