HeartGold and SoulSilver or Black 2 and White 2?

When it comes to best Pokemon games candidates, HGSS and B2W2 are the most common ones

I didn't played B2W2 yet, but I'm actually hyped when I'm able to do it.

I used to be a HGSS lover but I ended up hating it because of the bad dex, terrible curve, problems that weren't fixed from the originals, boring charactes, etc

Don't get me wrong, HGSS has a lot of amazing stuff like amazing content, poke walker, following pokemon, most recognizable things about pokemon in overall, 2 regions that makes 16 gyms and they are super detailed games, and cool extras, but after replay them a lot, the flaws became each time more apparent and that makes me no want to play it anymore, or feel the good things about these games are just postgame or fits perfectly on a cozy game type experience

I heard B2W2 has a lot of content, which I guess is a good comprasion point, but also it has a cool story, amazing characters, immense postgame, and o feel overall the games are more detailed and better looking and aging way better than HGSS (all of this is my supposition, I didn't played B2W2 yet but I played HGSS a lot of times)

And btw, my favorite games are USUM, ORAS and platinum (maybe this gives you an idea about my Pokemon game taste)

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