[US,WW] [H] Paypal, trades [W] Aquapolis holos, Misc Vintage

Priority is to get a few Aquapolis holos i’m missing, mostly looking for around LP/MP condition. I need the following holos:

Electrode H7, Exeggutor H10, Hypno H12, Kingdra H14, Magneton H16, Steelix H23, Tyanitar H28, Umbreon H29, Victreebel H30, Crystal Lugia

Also missing a lot of reverse holos, so if you have any please link them. Interested in most cards BW and earlier, so feel free to link what you have. Also looking for EX Plusle Minun trainer kit, gold stars, BW secret shinys.

HAVE: Vintage/WOTC/EX: https://imgur.com/a/vXPL1JH

SM/XY packs: https://imgur.com/a/MJMglM6

Misc: https://imgur.com/a/O4jJuun