Let's talk about rumours of the new titles coming up...
- King Kong by Stern and Keith Elwin
- Harry Potter by JJP
- Pokemon by Stern and Jack Danger (2026)
- Mario Bros by Stern (2006...?)
The first one is a pretty much done deal as rumours are way too strong to be false. The next Elwin will be King Kong. I'm expecting another masterpiece by the king of monsters.
Harry Potter by JJP rumour has never been that strong...but it has been floating around for a few years now. So....who knows! Somehow, I think it would be super hard to please people on that one. Too many assets. Too many movies. This is such a vast world...! JJP is good to make those machines pretty, but I fear another Avatar. And 12K....ugh.
Pokemon by Stern and Danger. It was a prediction by STDM guys last year (which turned out to be wrong), and now there are some rumours floating around that it could come up in 2026. If it comes out, it has to be the Kanto region and first 150 Pokemon. Please, don't make it about another region! Spike 3 + Insider Connected...hell yes! So many possibilities with Pokemon!
Mario Bros IP - that's another rumour that Stern now holds this IP and it could come out in 2026. A Nintendo IP owned by Stern, really? I feel like many of us would go crazy if that was coming out for REAL! Can you imagine a second mode like Jaws The Revenge - but super Mario 8 bit style? The possibilities on that one as well...
Again, those are all crazy rumours that many never happen (except King Kong)....but which one of these releases would interest you the most?