If you like saving money... Downtown PHX Parking Hack: Unlocked

Sharing with my closest redditors here who agree that the parking garage pricing downtown is outrageous for people who are going to events! If you pull into the garages under the Cityscape mall or underneath the Palomar hotel, Copper Blues will validate for 3 hours which I've noticed is the longest in Downtown. Probably because they have the comedy club next door. Went there for an Emo night a few months back and had a blast.

I just tell the attendant I'm going up to eat and drink at the restaurant instead of saying I'm going to the event and they print me a normal ticket that I can validate. Saves me like $40 sometimes. Not to say I'm cheap but I'd like to think I'm smart with my money! I'll get an appetizer and a beer from their restaurant too instead of paying the arena's prices.

Did this a bit last year, and as a frequent event-goer I have done it plenty of times this year. The parking attendants don't seem to care much as they are mostly on their phones and every time I go up there's customers up there who I'm sure didn't pay the event pricing.

Hoping this helps y'all save some money!