[Setlist Thread] 12-31-24 ~ Madison Square Garden ~ New York City, New York
It’s gonna be a damn fine show tonight, like Roses Are Free bustout fine.
Set Times Tonight:
Doors: 6:30pm
Posted Show Time: 7:30pm
parenthesis indicates approximate length of song in minutes (i.e. (7) means the song was approx. 7 minutes long)
Set I: (Start: 8:02, End: 9:05)
Mike’s Song (7) > Bouncing Around the Room (4) > Weekapaug Groove (8), Stash1 (12), Evolve (6), Llama (5), Split Open and Melt (13), Backwards Down the Number Line (8) > Carini (6), The Squirming Coil (9)
Set II: (Start: 9:48, End: 11:06)
Sigma Oasis (8) > My Friend, My Friend (20) > Sand2 (12), Golden Age (10) > What’s the Use? (8) > Taste (9) > Golgi Apparatus (5), First Tube (6)
Set III: (Start: 11:41, End: 12:57)
Character Zero3 (7), Pillow Jets4 (14) > Auld Lang Syne5 (1) > What’s Going Through Your Mind6 (17) > Chalk Dust Torture (8) > Slave to the Traffic Light (9), Life Saving Gun (13) > Say it to Me S.A.N.T.O.S. (7)
Encore (Start: 1:00, End: 1:12)
Grind (2) > Icculus7 (4), Tweezer Reprise (4)
1 - In Memory of Elizabeth Reed tease
3 They’re wearing matching blue suits now. Gag time.
4 - YOOO are those pillow jets? AYO WHAT THE FUCK? GUYS IN YELLOW DRESSES? HUH? Are they performing a ritual now? What the fuck?
6 - We’re not in Kansas anymore. This is fucking ridiculous. I love it so much. Electronic remix, with crazy drops and dancing. Oh, and Blaze On tease, Martian Monster tease, Bouncing Around the Room tease, Wolfman’s Brother, The Lizards tease, halley’s comet tease, and oh my god it’s speeding up, It’s Speeding Up, IT’S SPEEDING UP, AND BOOM!
Stream Link: (I don’t have a free one to share, if you do, keep them in the DM’s ✌️)
You can also watch the set 1 and 2 openers for free on Phish’s YouTube channel
Oh, and check out the free audio broadcast on SiriusXM Phish Radio (Channel 29)! Have fun mothafuckas.
Tonight’s poster(s)
Amazing posters by Dang Olsen, Kampground Designs, and Robert Beatty!
Pre-Show and Intermission Tunes (DOMI & JD BECK, Flaming Lips, and Phish)
Harpua’s Recent Favs: NOT TiGHT by DOMI & JD BECK
My favorite album of all time, The Soft Bulletin
Today in Phistory! 12/31/97 New York City, NY
We bumpin’ boys! This is my second thread ever. And my first since 8/6/24, the Billy Moma Dance show and the one where I called the Carini encore. I’ll be your guide through the cosmos tonight. This run has been interesting. We went from night 1 (led by u/Milespeeingyourpants) with almost no jamming in sight to night 2 (ran by your man u/El_Oso_Blanco) with a nearly 40 minute Ruby Waves. And yesterday’s night 3 (guided by the legendary u/Phishy0314) with a heated second set and the Fluffhead I wanted today. Today, we all want a sick NYE theme as usual. Nothing can top last year’s but we can still have a good ol time.
CHECK-IN! (Comment where you’re watching from!)
Milford, DE, hotel, line for ga x2, sao paulo, q train, sec 225 (ats), train to penn station, thornhill, ontario, elmwood village in buffalo, newburyport, ma, houston, essex junction, toledo, knoxville, nj transit, sec 114 (ats), on the floor (ats), hotel, deep ellum, colorado springs, section 420 row 6 seat 9 (hell yeah!), (dak) prescott, az, boston, nashville, kihei, hi, roosevelt island, dayton, oregon in 2025, train station, toronto, dallas, sec 101 (ats), adelaide, coast of jersey, geneva, wi, charlotte, long island, CNY, detroit, midtown, rochester, mi, birmingham, the couch at fort collins, sec 113 (ats), liverpool, uk, OAK, philly x2, jupiter, florida, long beach, sec 217 (ats), sec 211 (ats), vermont, virginia beach, cville, london, fresno, the 9th cube, big canoe, bourbon and branch, wrj, vt, cleveland, nevada city, st. louis, temperance michigan, double tapers section (104/ats), south pittsburg tennessee, bergen st f train platform, minneapolis, mt, heading in rn! (ats), section 117 (ats), kansas city, couch tour in dc, the quay, brooklyn, chattanooga, atlanta, section 227/214 (ats), camden county, astoria, wyoming, portland maine, NC, albany, utica (steamed hams), magic kingdom, dolores, colorado, austin, texas, desert southwest, anchorage, new hampshire sea coast, osaka,
ATS = At the Show
Be a nice person, no hate or discrimination or general assholishness. (I know some people, don’t test me!) Let’s ride with that word.
Keep stream links in the DM’s not in the comments (I don’t have one to share, sorry.)
Enjoy the show and have fun. Obviously.
My attended show count: 3
My webcast host show count: 2
edit: hey guys i can already hear the complaining about “It’s not edited, why didn’t you add the song!” well you gotta exit and come back sometimes. It doesn’t reload by itself. Thanks!
u/axe_zilla recommends this link: https://reddit-stream.com/r/phish/comments/1hqnzg7
to circumvent the predicted "it's not edited" bs