The Terrornauts (1967)
2025: Post #11
Watched February 7th On the Vinegar Syndrome Labs Blu-ray
Directed by Montgomery Tully
TSZDT: 7,280
TSPDT: Unranked
77 minutes. Campy goodness. Light, fun British sci-fi from Amicus studios mostly shot on a soundstage.
I can’t watch movies like this all the time, but I do have to admit I enjoy them a lot. There is something so wholesome about the classic sci-fi pictures. Like here, it’s just a group of scientists trying to make contact with an alien species. They do, and get beamed up on a ship, and the action begins. Not like, crazy action. More like people standing in a room talking with an adorable robot booping and beeping and getting them to take a series of tests to prove their smarts. When the story turns, and our characters find themselves in real danger, the stakes are always just high enough to register and keep me entertained.
It feels like an extended episode of a TV pilot that wasn’t picked up. I would definitely watch a season of this particular crew getting in and out of trouble in foreign lands. Especially if they brought their new robot friend along and he taught them how to navigate the solar system while they taught him how to love. Or something of those sorts.