Nvidia Game Ready Driver 566.14 causing issue after issue.
Just a few days ago, I decided to update to the Game Ready Driver version 566.14. This driver installation has led to more issues than I ever could've imagined.
To begin with, the first issue I encountered was MASSIVE frame drops in games. I'm talking drops as high as 200 FPS for minutes at a time.
Checking out DirectX, everything seems normal. Looking through Event Viewer, multiple warnings appeared. The same warning popped up for a couple days in a row every time I opened Event Viewer. The warning itself was an OpenGL driver error, which referred to the driver itself as possibly corrupted.
I decided to perform a DDU, which did absolutely nothing. After installing another stable driver, which was the driver I had been previously using (566.03), I was getting the exact same message.
Im really not sure what to do right about now. My games won't open, and my system is facing immense lag issues.
If anyone has any idea what to do at this point, any help would be greatly appreciated.