No more Payday hate! What features in Payday 2 would you like to see in Payday3?
Or what features that weren’t in Payday would you love to see in Payday 3?
Personally, I’d love to have a more customizable Favors page again. It would be nice to have more than 1 favor when playing solo.
I love the new look that we got in the last major update, as well as re-introducing CRIME.NET. We all know there’s still some technical issues with it. But i would love to be able to customize the Quickplay screen a bit more— like searching for specific LOUD or STEALTH heists, instead of just choosing a difficultly. Obviously it would be nice for the refresh button to work as well, and the Daily Challenges menu navigation could be improved.
Am I the only one who misses the concealment feature from Payday 2? its nice not having to worry about it but i do think it could be fun to have certain guns amd outfits affect your chance of getting noticed again in stealth.
Those are just some of my ideas, put yours in the comments!