Smoke Inhalation Concern

Hey there everyone, hope all is as well as it can be right now.

I’m writing because I’m frankly freaking out. I live near old town and did not evacuate this week during the fires. I had a go-bag, I was ready but Watch Duty never had me in any sort of evacuation zone. So, I stayed. I thought that’s what I was supposed to do.

The smoke started coming in and Wednesday, I went to a home depot and bought an air purifier for my studio. It’s only rated for like, 250 sq feet but I assumed something is better than nothing. I put towels/paper towels in door/window crevices and I masked up when I went outside. But for the first 16~ hours, I had an insane smell of smoke in my place despite my precautions. I was passively inhaling traces of smoke from the fires.

Now I’m hearing that others chose to evacuate from the smoke… I didn’t realize I should have. And people are talking about asbestos. So my question is… am I screwed? Did I just get exposed to life harming smoke?

Any information would be appreciated, thank you.