He’s gone.
Peacefully. Surrounded by love, our children and me.
Our first New Years with we hiked deep into a far North National park with a pup tent, delicious dinner and a sense of adventure. We were the only people for miles and miles. We set up camp, built a toasty fire, cooked Steaks, drank red wine and lit red laterns into the night sky at midnight. We tucked into one sleeping bag and froze our blissfully happy in love butts off for 8 hours. We woke to a pristine sparkling blanket of snow and fresh cougar tracks through our camp. It was the beginning of endless adventures shared together. Today New Years 2025 he left us at 8:15. Surrounded by love. I know he has gone ahead to scout the perfect site, to set up camp near a faerie ring of mushrooms and a river running full of steelhead to wait for me. I’m in no hurry. I will raise our kids, love our grandchildren and carry his legacy with me until I’m ready. When I meet him again my heart will once again be whole. I will love him beyond eternity. There was so much more than our short 5 months with Pancreatic Cancer. I chose to remember all of the wonderful over the horror. I am so grateful for you all while we navigated this impossible journey. 💜❤️🩹