End of Journey

My mom (63) passed this morning on Christmas Eve, just over two months after being diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. It had spread to her lungs and lymph nodes before ever being detected. We tried two rounds of chemo, but the cancer was just way to aggressive and she wasn’t able to eat/drink much so energy was already low. I just can’t believe how fast it happened in the last couple of weeks, knowing what we know now I wish we would have just gone with Hospice care to try and improve her quality over the last two months. Watching her in constant pain the last week and trying to keep her comfortable was gut wrenching, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

This is going to be a rough holidays with Christmas tomorrow, and her 64th Birthday was on NYE. I’ve been reading everyone’s else’s stories which helped through this journey to see offers of hope and perspective, and appreciate those that have opened up. Pancreatic Cancer is no joke, my thoughts are with everyone dealing with it, or have loved ones dealing with it and hope everyone holds their loved ones close through the holidays.