Complementary exercices ideas ?

Hello guys !

I want to add 2 exercices to my routine because I think I have not enough volume.

Me: 27 years old Man, 171cm and 71kg.

Goals : Full Planche, OAC, FL rows, One handed HSPu

My current routine : Fullbody 3-4 times a week

Warm-up and skill work

  • PPPus -> 3*5 with 2 sec straight arm
  • Weighted Pullups or OAC progression -> 3*5
  • Freestanding HSPus -> 3*5
  • Adv. Tuck FL rows -> 3*5 with 2 sec straight arm

Each exercices are paired with legs work (3 exercices) and core work (1 exercice)

So I have 2 exercices of 3 sets of 5 repetitions for push and same for pull => 30 total rep.
I'm in the range for strength but not hypertrophy so I want to add 2 exercices, 1 pull and 1 push.
With them I will have 3 exercices of 3 sets of 5 repetitions so a total of 45 repetitions and I will now be in strength and hypertrophy ranges.

I was planning to add one arm rows or more pullups and one arm pushups progressions or maybe weighted dips but I'm not to sure about it. I don't have other ideas...

Could you recommend me some complementary exercices you like ?

Bonus question : Since I'm on level 7-8 of the chart should I start to to accumulation and intensification ? Can I stay with my current routine for intensification and create an other one with 3 exercices for each muscle groups for accumulation ?