Overcoming Reactive Tendinopathy in my knee/hamstring

Hello all! This is my first post here. I first noticed some pain behind my right knee after the gym about 2 weeks ago. It was gone when I woke up the next day, so I continued my normal activities. However, after a 4 mile run it was VERY painful and tight. I have since stopped running, intense yoga, and lower body strength training. I work in a physical therapy office, so after asking some of the PT's and experimenting with stretching, I am sure I am suffering from distal hamstring tendinopathy.

Since it's only been a few weeks since I've first noticed the pain, I am pretty sure it's only in the reactive stage. I have read the whole article about overcoming tendinitis, and have put together this rehab plan. I would love any tips or helpful feedback!

- Rest for the next week or two (only slow/short walks and upper body training)

- Take collagen supplements (can't hurt!)

- Begin some mobility training for my knees and hips

- Eccentric exercises (primarily hamstring curls) and slowly starting lower body training (squats, RDL's, leg press) at a low intensity with high reps - as long as I don't notice a flare up

Anything I should add or subtract? Thank you so much!