[osu!std] -aico | Multiaccount

Profile: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/18371932

After looking at and comparing both of their profiles, It has come to my suspicion that -aico (#2 UAE) and aim1trick (#3 UAE) are both multiaccounts of one another. Both accounts were created on September 2020 with there being a 5 day difference from eachother. Not only do they have a similar number for playcount, but this also goes for medals aswell.

Looking at their play history, it is apparent that aim1trick was inactive from November 2021 to June 2022, whereas -aico activity was apparent during that time frame right until June 2022 when aim1trick's suddenly increased (as shown here). Using osutrack, you can also see that the rate of their playcount over time is very similar (shown here).

There have been numerous cases where not only do they submit scores outside of the same time frame, but also one account would go online and submit a score soon after the other account goes offline (here are some screenshots across different dates showcasing this). Furthermore, here are some more screenshots showing the map 666 and both players not only submitting scores 2 years after it became loved, but also having both of their scores set 1 day apart from each other. Here is another case where they both set scores hours apart from eachother on flight of the bumblebee, 20 days after the map was ranked.

Even at the time of this post, using the osuplus extension you can still see them submitting scores soon after the other player goes offline (shown here).