Thoughts on a OOPS! All Lootas Army

I just had a devilishly kunnin but brutal thought. Lootas - despite how disappointing of a unit they are - are very cheap points wise right now. Only 50 points per squad, which makes each Lootas only 10 points per model, and there's no extra points needed for special wargear. Which made me scratch me hair squig and think, you can bring 100 of these for 1000 points. Let's say some madboy would wanta to build horde army of 95 Lootas plus 1 mek to be the leader, which equals 995. How viable would it be? Or to go even beyond super madboy and run 195 Lootas and 1 mek as a 2,000 point army. Remember every fifth Lootas has a Rokkit launcher or Kustom Mega Blaster.

(Okay I realised I made the un-orkish mistake of not remembering you can only bring a max of 3 squads in a detachment, which limits us to a max of 45 Lootas, but hypothetically if there was no limit, would it win games?)